Technology and Speech

Technology has many benefits, as it saves us time, better learning techniques, and ease of access to information. However in recent years, Technology has began to create a social disconnect for young children. Increased use of technology significantly impacts a child’s behaviors and their speech, language, and pragmatic skills.

Part of my evaluations involve asking parents how much screen time a child has daily. Screen time includes TV, phones, tablets, etc. So ask yourself, on average how much screen time does your child have a day? Typically a parent will say 1-3 hours.

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends 0 hours of screen time for children 2 years and younger. For children ages 2-5 it is recommended to be 1 hour a day. For children 6 and up, they recommend no more than 3 hours a day. The AAP highly encourage parents to encourage healthy habits and limit activities that include screen time.

Excessive amounts of screen time can lead to:

  • Delays in speech and language

  • Poor social communication skills

  • Sleep issues

  • Lowers grades and performance in school

  • Limited physical activity

  • Weight issues

  • Not able to control moods/mood disorders

  • Difficulty finding others ways to relax and have fun

Screens are here to stay and can be modified to be positive! Develop a screen time plan. Below are tips to using technology positively to encourage growth in speech and language:

  1. Decide when the child is ready for a personal device

  2. Make sure technology is age appropriate

  3. Talk to your children about what is being seen. Make connections to topics of interest or familiar people, places, etc.

  4. Be aware of advertisements.

  5. Encourage learning new activities (i.e. sports, music, etc).

  6. Set limits for screen time

  7. Provide an example for healthy screen habits

  8. Use technology to build creativity and encourage connecting with family and friends

All of these strategies provide healthy habits for using technology. These strategies are ways to begin growth in speech and language skills. Using toys, books, utensils, food, chores, or other items from home in conjunction with technology can be used to build speech and language skills, as well as social language skills.

Technology can be used for:

  • Video chatting

  • Engaging apps for learning

  • Voice output/generating tools

  • Reward for good behavior

Remember to use technology appropriately and with restrictions. Be consistent in its use. Make technology your friend!


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