Formula Misconceptions

​Last month on my blog I discussed breastfeeding misconceptions, so this month let's talk about formula misconceptions. We hear about "breast being best" and all the reasons why formula shouldn't be used. BUT what happens when you milk supply Is limited? Or you have to take medication for your own health that would interfere with your baby's wellbeing? Or If you just want to feed your baby formula?

​Common myth that I hear from others:

Formula is poison. This Is comical. Formulas are build with the nutrients to assist In growing and developmental In your baby. Manufacturers create formulas with the right amount of vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates, and proteins that mimic that of breastmilk. AND formulas contain prebiotics and probiotics to develop a healthy digestive system.

Formula causes obesity. If a formula-fed baby Is gaining too much weight too quickly, more chances than not they are being overfed. Look for signs of fullness when your baby Is turning their head away or they no longer seem Interested In feedings. Ways to promote eating less/more appropriate amounts can Involve using a smaller bottle with a slow-flow nipple.

Formula fed babies sleep better at night. Formula Is advertised as "heartier" than breastmilk, which appears to help babies sleep longer with less wakings. FALSE. Babies wake up for a number of reasons, hunger Is not the only one. Most babies will have frequent wakings for the first several weeks to months of life regardless of how they are fed.

Formula will reduce my baby's IQ. MANY MANY MANY years ago this was true. Then manufacturers began to look at Ingredients that promoted growth and brain development In babies to Include In formulas

Formula-fed babies do not bond with their mothers. A bond with your baby Is built by using skin to skin and having a positive attitude toward your baby. If you are struggling to breastfeed and resent feedings, your baby can sense that. A baby needs a happy mom and If that means using formula, then that Is what you do for you AND your baby.

​Formula Is not a swear word. Formula feeding Is a safe and effective way to meet your baby's nutritional needs. If you are looking for support for your baby and your feeding journey, we offer additional services to assist you In selecting the right options for you and your little one.


Hunger or Habit


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