My Favorite Newborn Products

The newborn weeks are so special! I have a lot of newborn sleep posts to help you navigate their ever-changing sleep needs, but this post is about my favorite newborn products! Below you’ll find a number of recommendations with links to products I found absolutely invaluable when I had my babies.


I recommend purchasing a large package (approaching 100 diapers) of Pampers Pure Protection in Newborn size. Your babies likely won’t need this size long, but it’ll be SO helpful to have diapers that actually fit your newborn. If they’re too big, they’re not as effective, and they’re uncomfortable for both you and baby. I would count on about 10-12 diapers per day for the first couple of months, and assume your baby can transition to size 1 diapers after month one. Of course, all babies come in different sizes, so starting with one giant box of newborn size, and one giant box of size ones means you’ll be covered for at least the first few weeks.

I don’t have a strong preference for wipes, but sticking to ones that are as free from scents and chemicals at first is wise. This helps prevent any issues with sensitive newborn skin. It’s unlikely you’ll need any type of diaper cream in the first few months of life, but just in case (and for future reference) I have found Butt Paste (in both regular and maximum strength) to be the best when it comes to preventing, relieving, and treating diaper rashes.

Diaper Pail - Don't waste your time with a diaper genie. I had one for the boys. It doesn't hold much and always smells. This one however holds double, the inserts are cheaper, and no odor at all. Love it so much more!

Bum Brush - I'm a fan cause I don't like the feeling of diaper cream on my hands.


Burp Rags – At some point in the first 3 months of life, about half of all newborns will spit up, sometimes a lot! TBEST burp cloths EVER! Super absorbent and large. I would have at least 10-20 on hand at all times, as parents seem to go through at least 1-3 rags each day.

Dr. Browns bottles are my favorite. They are great for breastfeeding babies and easy to hold. I tried many bottles... these were definitely the best for my littles.

.Pacifiers – I would make sure you get a clear okay from your pediatrician and lactation consultant (if you are working with one) before you use a pacifier. Once you get the okay, these pacis tend to be widely loved by babies (and parents). Make sure to get a multi pack, because having just one can put you in a precarious position of searching for your one paci with a fussing baby. If you do decide to use one, I recommend only offering it during wake periods when they might be fussy as it helps to decrease cortisol levels (stress).

Culturelle Drops - great idea to start a probiotic right away. These will support a healthy immune system and great digestion! Check with your pediatrician before starting these drops.

Sleeping Products

Here are some of my FAVORITE sleep items. Remember, it's best to keep it SIMPLE. Your little one should be alone in the bassinet or crib (or pack n play). No bumpers, mobiles, wedges, etc.

SwaddleMe Pod – I like to keep things very basic, simple, and efficient when it comes to baby-care. For that reason despite all the other swaddling blankets on the market, I love SwaddleMes the best. They are easy and straightforward to use and are inexpensive. As baby reaches 4-6 weeks, I move to the traditional SwaddleMe swaddle.

Zipadee-Zip Sleep Sack - When it’s time for baby to move out of the swaddle, which should happen sometime between 8 & 12 weeks, this is the best sleep sack to move too! It creates comfort like the womb while allowing baby the freedom to move around. And perfectly safe once the start rolling! I recommend buying a size small when moving baby out of swaddle between 8-12 weeks, but all babies are different in size so make sure you check their recommended sizes based on height and weight!

Halo Bassinet Swivel Sleeper - This bassinet is my favorite for two reasons. 1. It is perfect for room sharing. 2. It allows mom to reach into the bassinet while remaining in bed for faster recovery! You don’t need all of the bells and whistles, but Halo has them if you want them!

Pack n’ Play/Co-Sleepers – Bassinets can only be used for a brief time, and for that reason I generally recommend parents purchase a Pack n’ Play with the bassinet attachment. In my experience, it’s really the best of both worlds, with the caveat that the side of the Pack n’ Play can impede the easy transfer of a sleeping baby. I encourage you to buy one that comes with a FLAT sleeping surface like this one. The bassinets that are inclined and cozy can make the transfer to the crib a bit harder!

Pack n’ Plays can also be used for years! My kids played in them all the time up to age 18 months, and slept in them while traveling through the age of three.

White noise – If you’ve read my other blog post on white noise, you’ll know I LOVE white noise machines! I even brought my white noise machine to the hospital (it helped me sleep as well, since hospitals are SO SO LOUD and no one tells you that). Again, there are many models on the market, but I’ve never found a sound machine I like even remotely as much as this one. My favorite for two reasons, its loud enough to cover up dogs/kids/neighbors and it has ZERO lights on it.

Baby Monitor - I am a fan of Motorola baby monitors. Their customer service is great. And they have a Hubble app that allows you to connect to the camera from wherever. So if you're out and someone else is putting babe to sleep, you can take a peak! I particularly love this one because it has minimal blue light coming from it. Don't get me started on manufacturers and the blue light they put on everything. I always tell parents to duct tape over any lights on items in baby's room. This camera barely has a light and only requires a baby piece of tape to become pitch black. Plus the range on this one is fantastic.

Black out blinds - Do yourself a favor and get GOOD black out curtains/blinds. You want the room as dark as possible. Like level 9 or 10 darkness... like you don't know its daytime when they are closed. Darkness helps with sleep immensely and will also keep from early morning wake ups.


Here’s something no one tells you – newborns are challenging to dress. They also soil their clothes near constantly. And finally, nothing ever seems to fit them at first! Most newborns weigh around 7 pounds at birth (give or take), and grow FAST. But right at birth, they are so unbelievably tiny. Even if you’re doctor says you will have a 9 pound baby… TINY! The only clothing I’ve found that fits them well and doesn’t break the bank are Gerber onesies (short and longsleeved). Every brand fits a bit different. Remember to always select “newborn” size, not 0-3 months, as the newborn size will actually fit your baby at the hospital. Plan on only being able to use the newborn size for a few weeks (3-4 weeks unless your little one was premature). But also remember you may need to change baby a few times each day. I also love newborn Gerber gowns. They are super easy to change diapers, especially during the nighttime. They are also great because they don’t aggravate the umbilical stump since they are loose. Finally, the long-sleeved onesies also have mitten muffs at the end, which will keep babies who scratch from being able to harm themselves.


If you plan on nursing, please remember to place high quality lanolin in your hospital bag. I literally put this on as soon as I was physically able to after birth, and reapplied it religiously. Once your nipples crack (and that can happen very, very quickly), it can be a lengthy, uncomfortable, and even painful recovery. Regular use of the miracle that is lanolin can really help keep your nipples intact during early breastfeeding days. Along with that, nursing pads will be invaluable once your milk comes in. You may find that nursing pads fit your needs, or that gel pads are more comfortable. And don’t forget the therapy packs!

Lacatition Liquid -  helps immensely with supply... tastes TERRIBLE!

Hakaa - Okay this one looks silly but its pretty awesome. When you breastfeed, your boobs leak, especially when a newborn is nursing on one... the other one is letting down as well and you'll be soaked. I used to put this on one while my newborn nursed on the other. Then I was able to start a little stash of breastmilk in the fridge/freezer from the other breast. It helped to boost supply as well, especially in those first few weeks when they don't eat much per feed.

For Mama

These items are still great for the newborn period, but they’re for Mom, not baby.

Frida Mom Labor Kit - Kick that hospital bag packing list to the curb. This one step prep kit takes you from first contraction to first postpartum bathroom trip post pregnancy (no hospital mesh underwear maternity ward thievery required).

Postpartum Diapers - One word... AMAZING. I bought diapers for all my recoveries but these ones with Liv. They are specifically for postpartum recovery and great for c-sections as well. So much easier than the mesh ones they give you. Pack these in the hospital bag!

Belly Band - Get yourself some good postpartum support. Any of these will compress and support your belly, waist and hips. Strengthen core muscles weakened during pregnancy (especially helpful if you have an abdominal separation, also called diastasis recti). Promote mobility, helping you get back to your daily activities more quickly. All while easing back pain and providing comfort after C-section.

Well there you have it! I hope you’ve found this advice helpful! 


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