My journey with breastfeeding

As I brought my daughter home from the hospital, I didn't know what I was doing. I took all the birthing/breastfeeding classes and I read all the books I needed to, but I still didn't really know.

​I remember the first time I realized that I didn't know.. It was in the middle of the night during a night-time feeding and my daughter wouldn't latch... My baby is hungry and I can't get her to latch. I calmed her, changed positions, I repositioned myself, etc. I did all the things I was taught and I still didn't know what to do.

​And that's when it hit me. The mom guilt of, I have to make this work. Everyone else is having no issues. I should know what I am doing. "You will know what you are doing, you are her mom." I don't know how many times I heard that. I am her mother, I SHOULD KNOW WHAT TO DO.

​Breastfeeding took a huge toll on not only on me, even with my family. I heard things like, "When are you gonna be done with THAT?" and "I never get to feed her because you always are." These are comments made to me by loved one. The people very important in my life. Not only was I getting pressure from the world around me, but also my family.

​I am 2 months in to breastfeeding and I want to give up, but the pressure of the world around me keeps me going. At this point in my journey, my daughter and I have overcome reflux, limited access to resources (COVID baby), sleep deprivation, engorgement, postpartum anxiety, and lack of support. These are just some of the issues that all moms overcome alone. What we don't realize is exactly what each mom/baby duo have overcome.

​Things we see:

  • ​Latch issues

  • ​Engorgement

  • ​Pumping

  • ​Reflux

  • ​Food intolerances

  • ​Low supply

  • ​Tongue Tie

​Things we don't see:

  • ​Anxiety

  • ​Postpartum depression/anxiety

  • ​Birth trauma

  • ​Access to resources

  • ​Hormone imbalances

  • ​Financial strain

  • ​Lack of support

  • ​Relationship problems

​​Yet, mothers are judged everyday by all decisions that they make. We live in a generation where women are told to do it all and do not show any weaknesses. And that right there, is why all of us think we are failing.

​BUT this is why Taylor, Emily, and I are doing all we can to support and education women that are becoming/learning to be mom.


Signs of a good latch


Milk Stash