Milk Stash

There is one question I always get from moms that is followed by another question..."Do I need a milk stash?" and It is always followed by, "How do I build one?"

Let's tackle the first question! Do I need a stash of milk? A stash of milk can be any form of milk that is stored outside of what is necessary to feed the baby. For example, I would use "stashed" milk when I was at work and my daughter would be away from me. I was able to store more milk in our deep freezer, however, some women cannot store that milk, so a small stash is more realistic for them. Therefore, if you need a stash is dependent upon your need for the excess milk.

​Some other things to consider:

  1. ​Goal of breastfeeding. Is your goal to pump/feed throughout the first 12 months/18 months/etc? Then you don't need to store more milk, especially as you will pump more and more. If you goal is to pump enough milk to be done at 6 months, but provide milk until 12 months, then a large stash is important to store.

  2. Do you have space to keep the excess milk? A freezer can fill fast, even with proper and efficiently stored milk.

  3. Be aware of your body and your overall milk supply. Set a realistic goal that will work for you, your life, and your child. Setting your goals based on what others did or were able to do can be defeating and detrimental to your breastfeeding/pumping journey.

Now for the second question: How do I build a stash? A breast milk stash can be built in a few ways.

  1. ​Many women invest in Haakaa, which Is a silicone collection cup. This can suction to one of your breasts while you are feeding on the other breast to collect milk that leaks while feeding. I know many moms who use the Haakaa as their only form of stash collection.

  2. Pumping after you feed. Sometimes little ones do not completely empty our breasts, therefore, pumping an hour after each feed can help to build a stash of milk.

  3. Being aware of your child's daily intake need and storing/freezing excess milk. This, too, can be an easy way to build a stash.

​The answer to these questions is not universal. The answer may vary per person/child/situation, however, if you feel you have questions or concerns reach out to me and we can discuss your options. I am glad to sit down and talk with you about your feeding journey.


My journey with breastfeeding


Independence from Motherhood