Independence from Motherhood

I remember the day I brought my daughter home and that feeling of, "Wow, this little human is my life. She is what I have always wanted." I then spent the next 6 months of her life focusing solely on her. Between feedings, diaper changes, and naps, my life was consumed by her. I felt the need to shut out time with friends and even family so I could soak in every minute of her. I didn't need anything else, right?

​BUT what I didn't realize was how much of myself I was putting behind me. I stopped doing things I loved like getting my hair done, going shopping, having date night with my husband, etc. The list goes on. Not only was I doing this to myself, but I was doing the same thing to my daughter. She was not spending time with the people who love her or the people who wanted to get to know her like aunts/uncles/cousins.

​I was avoiding these "get togethers", so I could selfishly keep her all to myself. I wanted to spend every waking moment I could with her and I envied the people getting to spend time with her while I was working, doctors appointments, etc. And then, it hit me. I was losing myself in motherhood.

​From that day forward I vowed to do more for myself. I might not do things daily or weekly, but I try at least 2-3 times a month to prioritize myself. This might be a night out with friends, getting my nails done, or even taking a long shower by myself. Prioritizing myself has been a great tool in being a better mother. My daughter is learning through me that she too should prioritize herself. Taking care of herself is important for every woman.

​I want her to understand that making time for herself not only for her general health, but her mental health. She is allowed to take time for herself. No one should make her feel differently. AND this should be understood by other mothers as well. We put everything we have into our children, all while losing ourselves. TAKE TIME FOR YOURSELF. ​

​Love, another mama who needed to learn this lesson!


Milk Stash


“My child stopped saying his favorite word.”